Is your daddy a confectioner?
I am soooooo excited! Guess what? You must celebrate with me...
I have given up refined sugar. I've been clean for four weeks now. The decision came after I lost all control of my senses and scoffed almost an entire gift box of Maltesers. All 300g of a 400g box! A shameful enterprise indeed. I just couldn't stop. I said to myself, 'Go on. Eat it all. Eat it till you feel sick. Its good for you. Aversion therapy. It will make sure you never do it ever again. Go on. Have some more. Just another...'
It worked. I felt so sick I vowed never to do it again. I even prayed. The thing is, I realised that there was this hunger inside of me that just couldn't be filled by eating chocolate. No matter how many sweets I ate, it just couldn't be sated. So I had to figure out a different way to get it filled. In my case, I every time I'm tempted I pray: God, I am choosing not to fill my own hunger by eating sweets, it says that you supply all our needs, so please come and fill me so that I don't feel hungry, Amen!
Well, four weeks down the line and others have started to notice that I've been slimming down! (My housemate, one of the girls at work, AND a young man whose opinion I very much appreciate... so if they say so, it must be true!) The thing is, I tried on this pair of trousers that had gotten really uncomfortable - AND THEY FITTED!!!! hooorrraaaaaaaaaaaayyyyyyyy!!!! Celebrate good times, come on! I couldn't believe it! They were even a little loose! I now have another outfit I can wear to work! Yippeeee!
All the more reason to be glad that I haven't received any chocolates today!!!!
I feel all sparkly now...
I have given up refined sugar. I've been clean for four weeks now. The decision came after I lost all control of my senses and scoffed almost an entire gift box of Maltesers. All 300g of a 400g box! A shameful enterprise indeed. I just couldn't stop. I said to myself, 'Go on. Eat it all. Eat it till you feel sick. Its good for you. Aversion therapy. It will make sure you never do it ever again. Go on. Have some more. Just another...'
It worked. I felt so sick I vowed never to do it again. I even prayed. The thing is, I realised that there was this hunger inside of me that just couldn't be filled by eating chocolate. No matter how many sweets I ate, it just couldn't be sated. So I had to figure out a different way to get it filled. In my case, I every time I'm tempted I pray: God, I am choosing not to fill my own hunger by eating sweets, it says that you supply all our needs, so please come and fill me so that I don't feel hungry, Amen!
Well, four weeks down the line and others have started to notice that I've been slimming down! (My housemate, one of the girls at work, AND a young man whose opinion I very much appreciate... so if they say so, it must be true!) The thing is, I tried on this pair of trousers that had gotten really uncomfortable - AND THEY FITTED!!!! hooorrraaaaaaaaaaaayyyyyyyy!!!! Celebrate good times, come on! I couldn't believe it! They were even a little loose! I now have another outfit I can wear to work! Yippeeee!
All the more reason to be glad that I haven't received any chocolates today!!!!
I feel all sparkly now...
At 9:10 am,
Teresa Bowman said…
I'm in a similar situation at the moment due to cutting down on my drinking. With any luck I'll be able to fit into a proper nice outfit when I attend the Num Num and Icy Chick's wedding in June!
Have you seen the book "French Women Don't Get Fat" by Mireille Giuliani? I always swore I'd never buy a diet book, but this isn't your typical diet book, it's something else entirely. I'll send you my copy if you're interested.
At 10:49 am,
Soaring said…
Oooh, yes, my housemate has that one on French women... so interesting.. What's the main premise? Enjoying ones food, but not indulging?
Personally, I hope to keep going as long as I can on this no sweeties thing, but I might reserve one day a month for a hot fudge sundae with brownies and chocolate sauce and baileys ice cream and D'oh! Stop stop! The ice cream monster has come to engulf me in a frozen whip! aaaaarrrrggghhh!
At 12:11 pm,
Teresa Bowman said…
BEWARE the Ice Cream Monster.
What this Mireille Giuliani person says is that she went away on a college exchange trip to (guess where) America when she was a teenager, fell in with her host nation's eating habits, and came back twice the size she was when she went. Then she found she couldn't change her eating habits back to the way they were, and kept putting on more and more weight. A kindly doctor advised her, and with his help she got her original figure back. Basically she just says, "Drink lots of water, eat lots of fruit and veg, always take the stairs instead of using the lift, and have a bit of chocolate or cheese or wine every now and then if you like, just don't overdo it." It seems pretty good.
The main thing she says is that an awful lot of people in the US and the UK don't take pleasure in preparing and eating meals, they just sit and stuff down processed ready-meals in front of the TV. Whereas if you take pleasure in carefully choosing and preparing your ingredients, turn off the TV, sit down at the table and really enjoy what you're eating, you don't put on as much weight.
She does, however, recommend treating yourself to a glass or two of champagne every now and then - which strikes you as a bit dodgy when you consider that she's the CEO of Veuve Clicquot in New York ... *cough* PRODUCT PLACEMENT *cough*
At 11:17 pm,
Calia77 said…
How? I just can't give up the sugar! No matter how hard I try! I'm better, but not completely :-(
At 9:37 am,
Soaring said…
Babe! I told you! Pray pray pray pray pray... Its like a fast or a sacrifice of praise or something. But if you don't have a problem with sugar, it may not be necessary. Sugar just happens to be my downfall... Also, it is highly addictive stuff. Try aversion therapy? There are all kinds of techniques out there. i'm going to start prescribing to the french women aren't fat thing - you know, taking the stairs, making nice food to eat. Have had a dreadful carboydrate filled two days but at least I haven't had any sugar! YAY!
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