I feel like I'm having mood swings at the moment. Not all bad you understand. Its almost as if I'm experiencing teenage emotions that I never got to really truly experience the first time around. Is such a thing possible and what does it have to do with giving up sugar? I'm sure its not just becuase its that time of the month...
I seem to be going from highs to lows in the same breath almost... One minute I've got tears streaming down my face, the other I'm grinning like the cheshire cat, and boy could that cat grin!
It happened this morning. One minute I was in the loos trying desperately to resist the man who I'm trying to resist at the moment (not that he was in the loos with me, you understand, just figuratively trying to resist writing an e-mail to him - which I failed at - I wrote it) and the next minute this other bloke comes into reception, a lovely Mr Carter from SAS Software who rides a motorcycle... We had a lovely parry of words, giggles and other non-verbal communication which led even my not particularly observant colleague to go 'You were flirting with him!'. I replied, 'Hell yes!' (am I allowed to use that kind of language around here?) and hence the grinning.
So, as a young single, damn sexy Christian woman waiting for my man of God husband to hurry up and show his face before I get tempted into a fiery pit of hellfire, should I be engaging in such behaviour? I mean, flirting with guys and pining after unsuitable men who respect me too much to pursue me? Dammit, I know I want it both ways but what else is there to do in the meantime? Quick! A distraction! Any distraction! Maybe I should stick my fingers in my ears and sing the theme tune to Enterprise really really loudly?
I seem to be going from highs to lows in the same breath almost... One minute I've got tears streaming down my face, the other I'm grinning like the cheshire cat, and boy could that cat grin!
It happened this morning. One minute I was in the loos trying desperately to resist the man who I'm trying to resist at the moment (not that he was in the loos with me, you understand, just figuratively trying to resist writing an e-mail to him - which I failed at - I wrote it) and the next minute this other bloke comes into reception, a lovely Mr Carter from SAS Software who rides a motorcycle... We had a lovely parry of words, giggles and other non-verbal communication which led even my not particularly observant colleague to go 'You were flirting with him!'. I replied, 'Hell yes!' (am I allowed to use that kind of language around here?) and hence the grinning.
So, as a young single, damn sexy Christian woman waiting for my man of God husband to hurry up and show his face before I get tempted into a fiery pit of hellfire, should I be engaging in such behaviour? I mean, flirting with guys and pining after unsuitable men who respect me too much to pursue me? Dammit, I know I want it both ways but what else is there to do in the meantime? Quick! A distraction! Any distraction! Maybe I should stick my fingers in my ears and sing the theme tune to Enterprise really really loudly?
At 3:02 pm,
Anonymous said…
"It's been a long road.....getting from here to there,
It's been a long time....but my time is finally near!"
Just keep humming those words until you finally meet your guy. ;-)
At 3:34 pm,
Soaring said…
EXACTLY!!! Cheers Max... You see? Someone apart form me gets it, so it must be true!!!
At 6:04 pm,
Tom Reindl said…
Nice Blog. :) I travelled over here from Maximus' place.
Umm...not sure what to say about the guy thing. I'm single, but I'm also divorced. You are waiting for the right guy to come along, and that is hard, I know. Men wait, too, as I am sure Mac has indicate to you.
Part of the problem with men and beautiful women is the intimidation factor. Men are intimidated by beauty, let's face it.
On the other hand, I'm not intimidated by much of anything anymore. My ex wife was beautiful, right up until the time she left me for another man. Yes, she was a Christian woman, too. isn't something to be intimidated by anymore. It's just another facet of a whole human being, and frankly, stopping at the surface is always a disappointment.
Good hope to you in your search, sister.
At 10:29 pm,
Soaring said…
Bless you Tom!!! Beauty is in the eye of the beholder, anyway, isn't it? I'm blessed becuase I was always the fat girl with glasses. Still am to some degree. Chubby and with specs. But it meant I had time to work on my personality - could explain why've tendencies to be such a geek mangnet. Too nice I guess. Otherwise, I hope to grow more beautiful with age... I hope by the time I'm 80 I'm sparkling all over the place. That's the aim. To be 80 and sparkly. Or failing that, wearing braids down to my waist and riding a Harley to the shops...
At 10:17 am,
Soaring said…
Yeah! I like that one too... but my resolution is to smile at everyone EVERY day!!!! Hurrah!!! I'm trying it out at work - its working pretty well, although I'm getting a reputation for being 'The Sparkly Receptionist'... hoooray! Mission accomplished!
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