Oh, weight update
OK, so for the record I've now lost about 38lb... (not including the 2lb I put on last week and not including the weight I'm likely to have put on this week too...) oops!
That is two and three quarter stone!!! excitement! So I'm well into the 11s now and I hope to be 11 stone by the end of the year. Here's hoping, anyhow. I think the new job might help, all those tight fitting clothes I need to feel comfy in...
Look out, here comes trouble!!!
That is two and three quarter stone!!! excitement! So I'm well into the 11s now and I hope to be 11 stone by the end of the year. Here's hoping, anyhow. I think the new job might help, all those tight fitting clothes I need to feel comfy in...
Look out, here comes trouble!!!
At 4:02 pm,
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At 7:45 pm,
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At 8:29 pm,
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At 3:17 am,
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At 9:14 pm,
Anonymous said…
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At 7:43 pm,
Anonymous said…
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At 5:18 am,
Anonymous said…
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At 11:29 pm,
Anonymous said…
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At 5:55 pm,
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At 10:30 am,
Ron said…
Soaring! Where are you??
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