I like late night shopping. I like living in the town I live in. I like being me and knowing so many people.
Tonight I met a friend of mine who I used to have a massive crush on when we worked at the same place. He'd send me weak at the knees just by standing about three feet away from me. I had to hold on to the nearest sturdy object for support most of the time. Broke my heart not being able to be with him.
He's married now. I met his wife next to the two for one offer on Sweetland Rindless Bacon. It sure did make me think. Its funny how sometimes you would never put certain people together. Still, she seems absolutely lovely, and not altogether dissimilar in colouring and build to myself. Makes a girl think (and regret that I never jumped him). But on the bright side, it means my social circle has just widened itself even further.
When we were at the checkouts, I looked over to the other aisle and saw a chap who used to live with one of my best friends. I smiled at him, and nodded my head as you do, but he didn't recognise me. And check this - he said it was becuase I'd lost loads of weight!! (BINGO). It also turns out that he's taking a course at the company where I've got a second interview at this week... again, check out my networking skills. I had a major crush on his other housemate at one point too. Now that housemate is married.
This reminds me - both the young chaps I was involved with (albeit briefly) at university got married years ago. And the man who I most recently had a big crush on has now got a pretty steady girlfriend. I think i see a theme developing.
I repeat: Four out of five guys who I either dated or had massive crushes on or both are now married, and the other one has a steady girlfriend.
I know, maybe if you want to get married, and think you'll never find someone, just break my heart and before you know it, you'll be hitched.
Or perhaps, as my housemate pointed out, I have a way of picking out guys who seem ready to settle down. I'm not even going to try to rationalise this one, only I guess that sooner or later it has got to start working in my favour???
So, a couple of weeks ago I had a date. It was pretty nice, I hope I see the guy again, but he seems to have commitments that take him out of town a lot.
I decided to push the door with this guy from church who I've known for ages but never really chatted to. We ended up exchanging phone numbers in the pub a couple of weekends ago and we're going dancing on Friday night.
There's this cute young guy also from my church who I kinda like too, who is totally too young for me, and totally not suited, but I like him, and... oh well, I'm happy to wait and see if he ever grows any... and tries it on (I would definately not say no!).
Oh, and there is this most gorgeous young man who works in the bar where that photo (see below) was taken... but he's only 18 so that completely rules him out, but I'm free to ogle... (and take all my dates there..)
So, you know, I'm on the case. Might as well get out there if I want something to happen, not that I can control what, if anything, does happen. Do a bit of socialising, a bit of dirty dancing (particularly with a chap with overdeveloped biceps at well known salsa venue in town), networking a go-go, never turn down a date and generally more having fun. Mm. I think I'm looking forward to this season in my life...
I repeat - do you see a theme developing here?
Note to self - find out if bloke in Tescos has a girlfriend and if not, get his number.