One of these days, I'm going to look back and say, 'WOW! Did I really make all those corsets and wedding dresses out of one tiny room which I also had to live in?' And its going to be an achievement. One of these days.
In the meantime, I'm doing my best to maximise the space that I've got, so I periodically move furniture around, chuck things out and take things back to my parents. My mate Tim was round yesterday, viewing a new drop leaf table that I had purchased and exclaimed, 'I love the way you just cram everything into here...' I'm not sure how to take it. Its not out of choice, believe me. Its out of necessity! I need a workroom and I need a bedroom and at the moment both are using the very same space. I feel very
In fact, I had had a bit of an adventure whilst trying to dispense of an item of furniture at the local Civic Amenities site. I like that word,
AMENITIES (aka the City Dump). Anway, fully besuited and in high heels, I was attempting to extract a bureau from the back of my car (kindly installed by some strapping young lads on prior occassion). Needless to say, I didn't want to go through the hassle and embarrasment of trying to figure out whether to tip anyone who helped me. Funny, the sorts of things that scare us.
Anyway, due to the fact that I now that I had several items off the bureau which lacked a home, I decided to put up some shelves. Easier said than done. I eventually capitulated and got a friend to help, although rather sheepishly had to defer to his expertise and additional 12 inches in height (I couldn't even see over the first shelf!) I came to the conclusion that
a) its ok to ask for help
b) being short has its advantages (not sure what - perhaps in getting tall men into your room?)
c) just becuase I wasn't able to put these particular shelves up, it doesn't mean I'm useless at DIY. I'm quite good with the flat-pack furniture.
The only thing was... I was re-homing the aforementioned homeless items on the newly put up shelves, and turned away to do a bit more organising, when all of a sudden, the bracket comes loose from the wall and the entire contents of the boxes that I have put up there fall out (nearly on my head)! This leaves countless of tiny grommets, spools of thread, ribbon, packets of beads and miscellaneous odds and ends all over the floor. Not only does this put a spanner in my plans to actually get some work done, but I end up staying up late to finish the said work, only to forget to bring it in this morning.... arg!
Bless the Lord its not a life and death situation. Just becuase I'm usless today, doesn't mean I'm not usually efficient, professional and astute. Even if I wasn't all these things every day, it doesn't mean I don't posess these qualitites. Its funny how your behaviour can adjust your concept of yourself. There must be so many people going around thinking, 'I'm useless' whereas that's simply not the case.
So, this is a call out to all those people who think that they're uselss: YOU"RE LOVELY! Don't be hard on yourself! You're not the sum of your behaviours! Remember, movie stars are only glamorous becuase they have thirty people ensuring that they stay that way (and they're paid millions too). You have only yourself, and possibly a spouse and several minors to look after...
or a spice and several